Gavilon announced that their new grain facility in Huntley, Montana, is officially open. They launched with a grand opening and producer appreciation celebration. The grand opening was conducted as more of a producer appreciation event for local wheat producers. At the event they also brought in ag trading and economic experts from their Omaha headquarters to provide a presentation that included a marketing outlook and details on producer marketing solutions.
“Moving our operations out of Billings and into Huntley will improve our efficiencies and handling capabilities while allowing us to better serve the area,” stated Terry Bartelt, location manager for the new facility. “We have been welcomed by the Huntley community, and we are excited to be open and serving the area producers.”
The manager of the Huntley Gavilon grain facility is Yellowstone County resident, Terry Bartelt. Terry has been in the Ag business for thirty-eight years, thirty-two with Gavilon and thirty as a manager. This particular facility employs seven and boasts a state-of-the-art slip form concrete elevator with 750,000-bushel (bu) storage capacity and more than 1,500,000 bu external storage. The facility was built with several efficiencies, including the ability to unload trucks at two receiving pits, each with 38,000 bu/hour capacities, as well as a 120-car shuttle loading capacity in six hours.