Dear Editor,
To go on from where Mr. Kerns left off:
These Dems, Liberals, Rhino Republicans… can’t see past their noses. All they want is to turn this country into socialism. Expanding Medicare, free amnesty , free college, don’t have to be a citizen to vote, open borders, drugs, murder (re: abortion), they want to sell the soul of America. Then, you have people like Kampla, Harris and Pocahontas want to tax the wealthy businesses 90 percent. Those businesses and the wealthy will leave this country in rubble. Can a poor man hire and make jobs? Don’t think so! Socialism will rule its ugly head.
To my knowledge that’s why we left England, to be free, no high taxes, worship Jesus Christ. I think there may be a revolution in the not-to-distant future.
That’s why our founding fathers came up with the Constitution. It was designed to protect us from a tyrannical government. All these socialists want to do is shred this law of the land. This was President Obama’s biggest stumbling block. So, before these socialists like Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, to name a few, better take heed and maybe start building you a wall. I know that I don’t stand alone in my thoughts and actions. Regarding your socialist ideas, you will not stop me or others from worshiping Jesus Christ or take my freedom away from me after tens of thousands of men gave their lives for this country. Also in murdering 50-60 thousand children a day even at the ninth month. You folks really are serial killers! Wait til the day you face Jesus Christ. (Oh, by the way, He Is Real).
Quote of the Day: This country will never be a socialist nation. – Donald Trump
Ken Kunz
Billings, MT