Free everything: who will pay for it

Dear Editor,

Today there is much interest in providing life’s essentials to everyone free of charge. Of course, those reviled rich will pay for it! We must remember the rich will eventually include anyone with a job. Anyone who refuses to work or feels like working does not fit their life style will feel like the government will take care of them. Eventually, the government will pass parasite laws which state the non-workers will be thrown into concentration camps. I just invite people to find out how this worked in the former Soviet Union.

As a health care provider I realize that health care is actually provided by individual people and not really provided directly by a government that simply inserts an amount of cash into your bank account. The champions of socialism/communism are into equality for all. I am sure that paying all health care providers the same amount would fit nicely into their plan! That is a nursing assistant should make as much money as a neurosurgeon does. Paying all people the same no matter what they are doing in a society, does not consort with human nature. Just about everyone wants to some way “get ahead.” That is capitalism, and it is ingrained in the human condition and communism is not. There was an old saying in the former Soviet Union after the ruble’s value went almost to zero that “ we workers pretend to work while the state pretends to pay us.” I understand that vodka was still readily available to all.

Dr. W. David Herbert

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