Dear Editor,
Judy Trenka’s letter of 2-10-19 nagged me. I must write to the YCN to support her for her treatment by Jon Tester’s office. Ms. Trenka, I too had a similar experience with Tester’s office.
I had asked the lady in his office about Obamacare, and after a few words, she more or less told me to get the **** out of her office. I thought I should leave or get arrested. Let me propose something to YCN readers… how about a forum where we can ask Mr. Tester those questions that have beleaguered so many of us. He won’t face us one on one, but maybe he will in a public setting where he’ll feel safe. To be fair, let’s include Sen. Daines and Rep. Gianforte, that way all three of our reps will have a chance to tell us what they are doing for us. I’m not too pleased with Daines or Gianforte for their closed mouth (un)approach to supporting President Trump. We could have someone like Aaron Flint or Senor McGiven moderate, as those are just two prominent names that popped up.
I would include Jennifer Merecki and Carl. One that I’d like to ask Jennifer, since she is so pro-communist, is if she is willing to accept FREE funds from us Capitalists for a FREE trip to Cuba. We can ask Carl questions, but what we will get are answers that don’t make any sense anyway. Still we should be fair to him.
For Jennifer, as a supporter of the New Green Deal, let’s ask her if she will go to Communist/Socialist Cuba-for FREE- before we deplete all our fossil fuels. Remember Jennifer, everything Socialism is FREE. With NO air travel to Cuba, she could take a train… yes, you read me correctly. With the fossil fuels that make plastic, and fuel the train, we could have a giant plastic tube to encase the train in to protect it from the sea water. It should be clear thermo plastic at least 3/16 of an inch thick, maybe 1/8 of an inch to save on costs. A clear plastic tube would also allow for recreational divers to watch the train as it goes by (one way only) and wave good-bye to the passengers.
Jennifer, Raul Castro will issue you a FREE gallon of kerosene to read by at night, since they don’t have reliable electric service. Please practice “conservativism” with your fuel issue, as it will only be re-issued as it’s available, but it’s FREE! There won’t be any working toilets or toilet paper, or hot water for bathing, but you will be close to the Atlantic Ocean for your daily needs, and it’s FREE! My only concern for you will be fresh water for hydration, as those of us that have deployed to 3rd World countries know that sanitary, clear sweet water is hard to come by. As mentioned, I and some of our readers I’m sure, would gladly donate $5.00 or so to help get you to Cuba. Please know there are no funds for a return trip, as you won’t be coming back anyway – the Castros won’t let you out, once you’re in. You gave up your freedom to travel and do what-ever else you enjoyed in America when you married into Socialism. Memorize: Alluda me, por favor: that means, “help me please.” It’s most effective with tears in your eyes. {stay tuned for more Survival Spanish as space allows.}
Jennifer, we are being generous with your trip, but that can only go so far, as Americans must work for Capitalism, and that’s not FREE.
Oh, fool that I am… sorry Carl, we only have funds for a one-way trip for one. Maybe some of us can give up our “crumbs” and come up with a ticket for you later on.
Jose A. Bustos, Jr.
(Ret) USAF/USArmy