On Wednesday morning, The Yellowstone River flowed over its banks, flooding low-lying areas at Cwoboy’s and forcing longhorn cattle to seek higher ground at the edge of the River. (Judy Killen photo)
Originally published in the 2/25/18 print edition of Yellowstone County News
HUNTLEY — The Yellowstone River flowed over its banks at Huntley on Wednesday as officials in Laurel declared a flood emergency.
The National Weather Service, meanwhile, issued a flood watch covering the Yellowstone River throughout Yellowstone County through the end of the week and a flood warning for the Clark’s Fork, which flows into the Yellowstone just southeast of Laurel. The flood watch, which indicates that flooding is possible, was based on continuing high elevation snowmelt and periods of continued rainfall.
A flood warning indicates that flooding is expected, likely along the Clark’s Fork of the Yellowstone near Belfry and Edgar.

On Wednesday morning, The Yellowstone River flowed over its banks, flooding low-lying areas at Cwoboy’s and forcing longhorn cattle to seek higher ground at the edge of the River. Flood levels are expected to increase throughout the holiday weekend as well as throughout next week. (Judy Killen photo)
Brad Shoemaker, director of emergency services in Yellowstone County, issued a press release in which Laurel officials cited heavy rain and continued spring runoff as basis for the flood emergency.
“The City of Laurel is working to minimize impacts to the water plant and associated critical infrastructure near the river,” the release said, including using sandbags or earthen berms to divert water. No impacts were noted to drinking water for Laurel residents.
The Yellowstone River was expected to reach flood stage at Billings, at 13.6 feet, Thursday evening or Friday morning, according to a National Weather Service bulletin issued Wednesday afternoon. Minor flooding could occur, forecasters noted, and bank erosion was likely with the high river flows.