Dear Editor,
The far-left is engaged to influence local politics to the same degree as it does national politics. For this reason, we must not let ourselves be distracted by other issues such that we lose focus on local politics. It is immediately imperative that we focus our energies on the politics we can control, meaning our city, county, and state.
Controlling our local destiny will be sending a loud and clear message to that national far-left organization. To Make America Great Again we must rebuild from the ground up. We are the ground level. We are the governed, and we must show “we the governed” are in control of the government.
Our votes this past election clearly sent a message on the state level, but what about here in our own city? Our Mayor and City Council majority are blanketing Billings with “The Green New Deal” under the name of Project ReCode. Our Mayor and City Council majority are doing all this while keeping Project ReCode information concerning risk analysis and financial impact on the city, and financial impact on citizens and businesses within the city, quiet and out of our view.
This information has been publicly requested through a letter to the Mayor and the City Council majority, and letters to local papers. Isn’t withholding information a clear violation of statutes? Call your City Council now.
TJ Smith
Billings. MT