Fact check the columnist Carl Wolf

Dear Editor,

I say again the Yellowstone County News needs a Fact Checker. You certainly don’t want to go down the same path as the Billings Rag – aka Gazette. Poor Carl…where does he come up with all his misinformation? Is it intentional or just ignorance? His latest rant on global warming shows that he needs to turn off CNN, MSNBC, etc and get out more. I refer your readers to the article “NASA Sees Climate Cooling Trend Thanks to Low Sun Activity.” Here is just a portion of NASA’s take: “Just 18,000 years ago we were at the peak of an Ice Age. Then most of the ice melted and sea levels rose 150 meters (490 feet) because it was warmer for almost all of the last 10,000 years THAN IT IS TODAY. The current level of CO2 is 410 parts per million (ppm). As plants and animals developed over the last 280 million years the average level was 1200 ppm. Carl, along with his soul mate, AOC, apparently get their information from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) who predicted that we have “Only 12 Years to Save the Planet.” IPCC has been wrong in every prediction they have made since 1990. Please check out the NASA report referenced above. Carl, quit scaring the kids and the uninformed.

Dave Scott

Billings MT

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