Engineers, Consolidation, Policies Top Heights Water District Agenda

The Board for the County Water District in the Heights dealt with numerous issues dealing with policies and operations at a business work session on September 4.

The water district needs a plan to deal with the district- wide maintenance of the system, which means having a schedule to replace aging pipeline and other equipment. They hope to engage ECHOLOGICS technology to evaluate the status of the system, but ECHOLOGICS needs data to do so. That data will come from a GIS (Geographic Information System) study, from which to develop maps and locations, etc.

The district has a GIS study which is almost complete, but they need to have it completed. GIS data includes such information as the kind of pipe, installation date, material, diameter, status, spacing, historical failure, date abandoned, etc.

The Board discussed moving forward to complete the GIS process by engaging the district’s primary engineering company, Interstate Engineering. According to District Manager Bo Andersson the estimated cost is $31,500 and involves three GIS tasks. He recommended the ECHOLODGIC pipe evaluation start following the completion of GIS Task 1, limited to the anticipated $31,500 estimate and two months completion.

The board suggested that the cost and time- line needed to be more specific.

Board Member Jeff Essmann emphatically stated, “This obviously needs to be done, so I will support it. This is a proposal from an engineering firm that has been taking fees from this district for the last 18 years and had promised to provide this...ReadFullstoryhere.

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