Election Judge Training is Going On

Dear Editor,

As the election year approaches.I was surprised to have an advertisement for a candidate in late July or August on Facebook.  I have been getting cardboard flyers for several months now. The information is from a Political Action Committee (PAC), in fine print, not endorsed by a candidate or party. The PAC does have a Helena address.  Now there is another PAC looking for “grassroots” volunteers.  Both are out of state PACs but some state oficial prohibited “dark money”.  So how many millions are they going to spend for a primary three months away?  And the general election five months later. If they can spend that kind of money to get someone elected, they have no idea of the day to day lives of “we the people”. 

As a side note if you want to know about the election process, election judge training is going on, judges are always needed.  Remember when you get to the register book at the poll and your name is not there you have three questions.  Am I in the right precinct?  Am I registered?  It may happen, did I get omitted from the register?  In my years as an election judge it has happened a couple times.   


Lauris Byxbe 

Pompeys Pillar

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