There have been numerous conversations concerning election integrity the past four years. There have also been new election laws written, and new election laws overturned by legislation from the bench. Since you and I have little control over the courts we might ask ourselves, “What actions can we take to shepherd election integrity?”
To begin, we must ask what is causing us to question election integrity. All fingers point to the President Biden, Senator Tester purposeful and premeditated open border policies. All the duo had to do was leave President Trump’s border policies at work. Instead, they implemented policies which seemed to beg an estimated 15 million illegal immigrants to waltz into our country. Why would these hard-left leaders do such a thing?
It is well known that state and federal election laws aren’t airtight. That is, avenues exist by which illegals can vote in our elections, possibly changing outcomes of close elections. Bill H.R.8281, Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, was introduced, by Representative Chip Roy, in the U.S. House. The intent of this bill is to close the aforementioned federal election law loopholes.
Additionally, this bill will implement programs at the state level which purge voter rolls of non-citizens. States will be granted no-cost access to Social Security Administration records as well as those of the Department of Homeland Security. When registering to vote in a federal election the National Voter Registration Act will be amended requiring in person documented proof of identity and documented proof of U.S. citizenship. Also, if election officials fail to require proof of citizenship for federal elections, citizens may file civil suits against these federal officials. If signed into law all changes will be implemented before the November election.
As we shepherd election integrity, please keep in mind that it’s not our local Democratic counterparts that we are at odds with, it’s the far-left socialistic leaders like President Biden and Senator Tester, as well as the Mainstream Media (personally dubbed as “Fabricated Ambiguous Language of Socialistic Equivocation” or FALSE). We let FALSE media control, and hand pick the winner of the last Presidential election. It is painfully obvious that FALSE media did a terrible job.
We all want fair elections. I believe this to be the most nonpartisan political goal in our nation. We may not be able to control the FALSE media, but we can shepherd our friends and family. Common sense, no matter one’s political affiliation, demands passage of H.R.8281 to maintain our freedoms, and to bring us true election integrity. H.R.8281 has passed the U.S. House and now moves to the U.S. Senate. Ask your flock to touch base with Senator Steve Daines and Senator Jon Tester. Have them request a pledge of support for H.R.8281. If you, or any of your flock, can reach beyond Montana, please do so. Please take the time to spread the intent of H.R.8281 far and wide. We only lose if we fail to act.
Next week—the second reason we question election integrity.
TJ Smith writes a weekly column called the Conservative Corner.