Because they are having trouble filling the positions needed on Election Day to monitor and process the voting process, Ginger Aldrich, who heads the Yellowstone County’s Election Department, has received approval of Yellowstone County Commissioners to request funding from the federal government.
The county department is requesting $28,310 from Help America Vote Act (HAVA), which was passed by Congress in 2002.
“Yellowstone County finds it difficult to recruit and retain individuals to assist with the intricate, detailed work of processing ballots and working beyond regular working hours,” reported Aldrich to the commissioners, who approved her request on Tuesday. Additional funds would allow boosting pay which would help in gaining more workers, who will need more training.
Aldrich said that they had trouble attracting workers during the Primary Election in June. It was especially hard to attract enough workers during the late night hours to sufficiently staff the mandatory ‘continuous count’ requirement. Training and sufficient numbers of staff is ... Read Full Story here.