Dear Editor,
The Indian Health Service, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the FBI on our reservations have consistently gotten bad press in Montana. What we’ve seen reported is frequent incompetence, slow service (or no service). We’d seen some of the same lack of service in the recent past from the Department of Veterans Affairs (I’m told it is better now).
Now we’re told the IRS is having difficulty processing tax returns and getting out stimulus checks to those of us dealing with the Covid pandemic. (I got an official letter saying our check was “in the mail”, but it never arrived). The common thread through all of these “agencies” is that their supervision comes out of Washington, D.C.
I’ve gotten good service and timely, from real people here in Montana, and Yellowstone County. Have you tried to reach someone in Washington? – Good luck! Now the Democretins in Washington want to tell all of us in the hinterlands how to run our elections (House Bill HR–1). We really don’t need Federal help for much of anything. The more responsibility delegated to the states the better; the Federal “one size” doesn’t fit all. I believe this is what the writers of the Constitution (the Founders of our country) intended. Write/email your Senators and your representative to dump/cancel/kill HR-1.
Stuart Deans
Lockwood, MT