Donald Trump Will Remain Our Great President

Dear Editor,

Orange tears of joy… that’s what color your tears will turn to, Sir/Mam, i.e., Jen J. Larson, as Donald J. Trump will remain as our Greatest President.  Forgive me please, but I can’t tell your gender from your first name, and I say that with respect. In the military we had several male and female troops with the first name Jen.

At present you feel joyous and triumphant – enjoy for the time, as God is not done with you and yours, the demented Hidin’ Biden. Your vote for Sleepy Joe is a co-payment on the extermination of another child, as the Democrat party lauds abortion, and actually encourages it.  You and yours at judgement day will have to answer for sacrificing to Molech (Leviticus 18:21).  I am certainly not any kind of a good Christian, but for certain will NOT ever have that on my conscience at the Great Throne Judgement (Rev 20: 11-15). Roe vs. Wade WILL be overturned!

Again, (with respect) I don’t know if you have children, Sir/Mam, but just look at the child across the street or next door to you.  Next time they look you in the eye, are they saying, “I’m glad I’m alive as my mom and dad didn’t have me aborted.”  How do you respond to that child, or one of yours if you have children? If these comments cut to the marrow, it’s only because the open wound you live with is being salted with the truth.

Oh, before I forget, Jen, Idiot Biden WILL BE at the inauguration… as a guest!

Jose A. Bustos, Jr.

MSgt. USAF/USA (Ret)


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