Dear Editor,
Well, Carl, it must be depressing that recent leakers at DOJ and FBI have burst your hopes and dreams of convicting President Trump of some crime. They are now leaking to their favorite liberal “investigative reporters” not to expect much of anything from Mueller’s two year witch hunt. On the other hand, normal folks would expect some indictments of the liars, crooks and thieves that initiated this Russian hoax. Had you even superficially paid attention to news outlets other than CNN or MSNBC….you would have noted much false testimony by those involved. Stop and think about this ONE testimony, the FBI Director James Comey on 3 May 2017 “…have you ever been an ANONYMOUS source in news reports about matters relating to the Trump investigation….?” Comey….”No!” On 8 June 2017, again under oath, Comey admits…. “I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter….” Additionally, Comey in his appearances before Congress used the phrases…..”don’t remember; don’t recall; or don’t know” 245 times. Comey is now teaching an ethics class to young liberal skulls at an Ivy League school.
If I had any confidence in our compromised justice system, I would expect Comey, along with numerous co-conspirators to be indicted…Strozok, Page, Ohr, Steele, McCabe, etc, etc. But I do expect Mueller’s investigation to be as negative as possible concerning our President while ignoring the DOJ and FBI crimes. Nonetheless, the deranged Democrats will continue to whine, cry and waste valuable time and taxpayer money trying to remove President Trump..
As for your negative comments, I expect them to continue. Anyone who claims to be a gunsmith, yet supports a political party that wants to take away your guns (and mine), cannot be reasoned with. I would just like to remind you and the readers of the democrats hypocrisy. Obama, with “shovel ready” TARP money, was personally involved in directing $50 billion to “renewable ” energy companies….does Solyndra ring a bell? Virtually every one of those companies took the money, returned large sums in 2012 campaign contributions, and shortly thereafter went out of business. The Democrats were in power and not one of them complained. Yet they are outraged at $5.7 billion for a border wall.
Carl, you and the Democrats are on the wrong side of history.
Dave Scott
Billings MT