Dear Editor:
Once a country loses control of its economy, it can’t make major political decisions. The British figured this out. A nation can recover from a recession, but from a loss of independence? Very hard. Even if an international agreement results in an economic boom, if the price to pay is sovereignty, it is too high, period.
What about the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)? Trump promotes it, but who wrote it? The same one-worlders who praised/wrote Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership. Does it take 1,809 pages to spell free trade? No. It’s managed trade. USMCA promotes “economic integration [merger]” with Socialist Canada and corrupt, Socialist Mexico.
If you like Congress caving to unelected foreign bureaucrats, like when they repealed Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) after the WTO ruled against us, you’ll love the USMCA. Its “Free Trade Commission” would claim authority over America’s laws. Plus, the Commission can change the Agreement without Congress’ OK. This was a big reason we got out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Why resurrect it with the USMCA?
Call Rep. Gianforte at (202)-225-3121 and Sens. Daines and Tester at (202)-224-3121 and ask that they reject the USMCA.
Eldon Stahl
Columbus, MT