Dear Editor,
I read a quote recently that really hit home. “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is for good men to do nothing.” I need to do something. Today I want to state what I think a person should consider before running for President or any other office.
Read the job description. Understand what you are being elected to do. It is not about you. Then read “How to win Friends and Influence People.” Also read Proverbs frequently. Here is one that hits the mark: Proverbs 13:5 “A good man hates a lie. Wicked men lie constantly and come to shame.” Understand that you should not be the smartest man in the room. Use the philosophy of Henry Ford to surround yourself with people who make up for your lack of knowledge in key areas. Choose your cabinet and advisors carefully. Once you have made your choices, let them do their work. Do not turn your cabinet into a revolving door. Do not fire someone just because they do not agree with you. Work it out. Have a workable plan and stick to it. Do not change your mind on a whim. Do not legislate, communicate, or offer opinions on social media platforms. Check your closet for skeletons. If you do not, the media will. Be careful of who you sleep with, especially while you are married. You might get screwed more ways than one. Use tact. Be careful of what you say and how you say it. The media will spin it or take it out of context. Make sure the words you say are sweet. They may turn out to be the words you eat. Accept the opinion of our scientific experts. Our climate on this planet is changing whether you like it or not. Make your political ads meaningful and positive. Do not lower yourself to name calling and mudslinging. How about some fun entertaining ads like they do on the Superbowl? Hone your speaking skills. Do not talk down to your constituents. Observe time limits when speaking. Do not drone on and on. Make your point and move on. Limit your golf. Do not fiddle while the country burns (Remember Nero?). Raise your children to be honorable citizens. If you do not, they will eventually embarrass you. Remember a debate is a kind of respectful, well-reasoned argument, not a finger pointing shouting match. Do not make it a version of “liar, liar, pants on fire.” Do not be afraid to show your tax returns. Produce your birth certificate when asked. At least TRY to stop your rowdy friends from breaking into your house. Practice the Golden Rule. Remember what Thumper said, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” And when your term is over, hand the keys willingly and graciously to your successor. Do this and we can make America respectable again.
Frosty Erben
Lockwood, MT