Dig It Days far exceeded his greatest expectations, said Bill Dutcher, Metra Park and Montana Fair Manager, as he reviewed the success of fair week.

Local industry equipment dealers from Yellowstone County participated in the 2nd annual Yellowstone Dig It Days at MontanaFair. Here, kids and adults are digging in the ground while learning about the different pieces of equipment Thursday afternoon August 19, 2021. Sponsors for this equipment included RDO Equipment Company, Modern Machinery, Tri-State Truck & Equipment and Tractor & Equipment. See full coverage and more pictures from Dig It Days inside this week’s and next week’s edition of the Yellowstone County News. (Jonathan McNiven photo)
“I think everyone was amazed,” he said about the fundraising event produced by Yellowstone County News’ non-profit foundation Yellowstone Family – but then all of Montana Fair week was amazing. This year’s fair may vie as a record year.

Montana Governor Greg Gianforte attended Dig It Days @ MontanaFair and spoke Friday afternoon in regards to Dig It Days and the expansion of the Build Montana program that helps support high school students in the local area. (Tana McNiven photo)
Not all the numbers are in yet, but there are aspects of fair events that are already known to be record setters, according to Dutcher, who marks the end of Montana Fair, this year, as his last fair. Dutcher will retire at the end of the year, after serving 40 years at Metra Park. Indicators that Montana Fair was big – really big – this year include the fact that Thomas Carnival had a record setting first and last Saturdays, the livestock sale was record setting, concert ticket sales were high and food and beverage sales were coming in strong.
Montana Park invited Yellowstone Dig It Days, which held its first annual event in 2019, to join Montana Fair to utilize the open space that was created by the removal of the Grandstands. It was hoped that having all the heavy equipment, sand mountain, and operating excavators would fill the open space and keep Montana Fair from looking like a “half fair,” joked Dutcher, but fair planners weren’t too sure what Dig It Days was all about. But, with the kids playing in the sand, the heavy equipment, all the booths, with the colleges, Build Montana and the Governor, “whatever I envisioned I never thought it would be what happened,” said Dutcher. County Commissioners and other fair officials were equally pleased and impressed, and already there is positive talk about Dig It Days returning to the fair next year.
It is certainly what one Facebook commentator, Kerry Patterson, said that she and her daughter hope will happen. “We went Friday and my daughter had so much fun. It was truly an amazing experience for the both of us!!! She had a grin from ear to ear that never quit the whole time we were there!!! Thank you for having Dig It Days at the Fair….” she wrote.

Kids play and dig in the sandpile looking for prizes on Friday, August 20 during MontanaFair at the 2nd Annual Yellowstone Dig It Days. Knife River hauled in 650 tons of sand before the event, double the amount of sand from the inaugural dig two years ago. (Photo by Jonathan McNiven)
“Who would have thought two years ago that we were going to be on the biggest stage and fair in Montana for our second annual Dig It Days event?” said Jonathan McNiven, owner of Yellowstone County News. “Our initial event that started with just four sponsors grew to 20 plus this year, and we would not have been able to pull it all off if it were not for their help and support.”
“Thank you to MetraPark for inviting us,” said McNiven. “Thank you to all those who supported this event, including the industry professionals, kids, parents and community in general Now that a lot of our sponsors saw the event with their own eyes, they now have some good ideas to add for next time.”
McNiven said that they hope to take this year’s experiences to make next year’s Yellowstone Dig It Days even better.
Dig It Days was made possible by a host of companies involved in the sale and operation of heavy equipment, and by Build Montana a program that the Montana Contractors’ Association and the Montana Equipment Dealers’ Association has created to educate about the construction industry and to encourage young people to consider the industry as a career choice.
Governor Greg Gianforte attended the event on Friday to make an announcement about plans for Build Montana to expand their program, offering hands-on experience, to other schools in the state. Elsie Arntzen, State Superintendent of Schools, was also present to underscore the importance of introducing students to the opportunities available in the trade industries.
Among its many sponsors and hardworking volunteers was John Hurd, of RDO, who commented, “Dig It Days was a great experience for all involved. Seeing so many companies and people coming together to provide machines and construction-related experiences to kids and families was awesome! We desperately need more people to consider careers in the construction industry. We’re very fortunate to have had the opportunity to be involved in Dig It Days this year; it was a highlight for myself and our team at RDO Billings. A big shout out to Jonathan McNiven and to the Montana Fair for having us a part of this great and growing event! See you again in 2022!”
Tina Beach with CHS, Inc., another sponsor, said, Dig It Days was a great opportunity for CHS to connect with our community! To see the smiles on the children’s faces while they operated heavy equipment and the smiles on parents’ faces watching them, was beyond price, especially after all the obstacles we have faced in the last year. CHS, Inc. believes in investing in our future generations and that shows in all that we do, including being the top tax contributor in Yellowstone County. Our tax dollars go to support your local roads, schools, city and county services even elderly care. CHS wants to say, “Thanks to Yellowstone Family for organizing this event, and looking to see this event only get larger!”