Crisp Falling of the Left Edge

Dear Editor,

I guess our favorite editor had to hire a liberal to write an opinion column so the YCN wouldn’t look biased. This Crisp fella with the funny hat is so far left, he is at risk of falling off the edge of the earth. It was amusing how sick he got after his full series of stroke pokes and boosters just as Dr. Kerns had been preaching all this time.

Speaking of Krayton Kerns, I have made an observation on how the newspaper is laid out. The good Doctor is always on the right page and Crisp is on the left with a couple of exceptions where Doc was on top and Mr. Funny Hat beneath him, as it should be. We did enjoy the liberal’s story on the decline of print newspapers especially the Billings Gazette dying off. They brought that on themselves with their extreme libtard views. We subscribed for nearly 20 years but every time we renewed, they raised the rate and finally quit delivering in our neighborhood. They thought mailing the paper was easier, but who wants 3-day old news or in many cases no paper at all ever arrived.

Dave Salys

Billings Heights

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