COVID Shutdown: Cost vs. Safety

Dear Editor,

Montana and South Dakota have similar populations – Montana, slightly more than a million; South Dakota almost 900,000.  The states have similar economies, largely agricultural; and similar climates – cold in winter, warm in summer.  A significant difference is the politics of their governors.  Montana has a Democrat, Steve Bullock.  South Dakota has a Republican, Kristi Noem.  

This political difference was reflected in their response to the Covid 19 pandemic.  Both governors shut down the state’s schools.  But Montana’s Governor also shut down all non-essential businesses (a nine-page directive carefully defined what essential businesses were).  And he requested that all non-essential workers stay home, no public gatherings take place, all folks entering the state self-quarantine for 14 days. Bottom line he said all restaurants, bars, gyms must close except for places providing take-out food, nursing homes would allow no visitation except for cases of compassionate care (end of life situations). etc – many folks were out of work.  Quality of life, especially for the old and folks living alone, immediately sucked.

South Dakota’s Governor did not attempt to designate who was essential or non-essential.  She simply reiterated the basic national guidelines to slow the infection rate of Covid 19 – wear masks inside, try to maintain a 6 foot spacing when in a group, wash your hands frequently – and she asked her citizens to be careful.  Visitors to the state were reminded to follow these same guidelines – no 14-day quarantine.  All businesses could continue in operation under the guidelines.  Bars, restaurants, gyms were allowed to remain open – not required to close (and similarly, not required to stay open).

Montana’s governor is following the national Soros’ Democratic (Obama and Schumer) guidelines.  (Remember, earlier this year, Bullock who had repeatedly stated he would not run for U.S.Senate was “bought” to run for Senate.  I don’t think anyone could “bully “ Bullock.)  The current Democrat Party guidelines are to “politicize” the Pandemic to keep as many of we “Deplorables” out of work as long as possible to embarrass Trump.  In the Democrats’ eyes all Americans are stupid sheep, needing constant direction to be safe.

In contrast, South Dakota’s governor believes her citizens are responsible adults, knowing how to care for themselves, their families, and their neighbors.  They can access the news and follow national and international progress of fighting the Pandemic, realizing that maybe 1.5% of those infected will die – largely those already with serious health conditions.  We should note that as of this time the more open South Dakota has more than 2.5 times as many cases detected as Montana, but the deaths per case is almost the same – 1.5%.  

It’s probable that Montana will ultimately “catch up” to South Dakota in cases of Covid 19 infection, but by shutting down our economy it will take 2.5 times as long.  Is it worth it, “Deplorables”??

Stu Deans


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