Originally published in the 9/22/17 print edition of Yellowstone County News.
BALLANTINE — A Ballantine family has launched a new septic tank service business.
Christopher and Shauna Calentine believe their new business will dovetail with their ranch and trucking businesses.
Their new business, Straight Flush Septic Service, consists for now of pumping septic tanks, but Christopher Calentine is training to become certified to install and service septic systems.
They are taking on clients in Yellowstone County, Shauna Calentine said, but plan to expand to neighboring counties. They will continue to operate their cattle ranch. Shauna Calentine grew up on Road 28 and attended Huntley Project Schools; her husband also graduated from HP.
Shauna worked as a 911 dispatcher until recently, and now is employed by the post office.
People who need septic tanks pumped may make appointments with Straight Flush Septic Service by calling 861-0148. The company is also on Facebook.