Conservative Corner: KIND PEOPLE

My wife has a card sent from one of her friends with a cover that says, “Kind people are the best kind of people.” This friend happens to be from Minnesota and is obviously one of the ‘Minnesota Nice’ people herself. We have some neighbors down the street who moved to Billings from Minnesota. These folks are also ‘Minnesota Nice’ people.

Our son moved to Minnesota several years ago, fell in love, and married a ‘Minnesota Nice’ lady. Now we have a ‘Minnesota Nice’ grandchild. Needless to say, we tend to gravitate towards Minnesota whenever we get in the car and feel like a long drive. Family does that to you.

We all know kind people. These folks have certain character traits. Perhaps one of the most notable is they do not lie directly to your face expecting you to believe them. When you question their logic, you are given a straight answer rather than labeled with one of many nasty names like racist, or conspiracy theorist, or homophobe, etc. So which people are the ones who lie to your face with the expectation that you must unquestioningly believe whatever they verbalize?

These people are the Democratic leadership of today. Their lies have undergone a metamorphosis like only those imagined in Hollywood movies. The most treacherous of their lies are the gaslighting schemes contrived by Democratic leadership and unquestioningly perpetuated by the FALSE (Fabricated Ambiguous Language of Socialistic Equivocation) media.

All one has to do is look at the last presidential election. It’s now easy to see the whole process is rife with gaslighting schemes. Just look at the current presidential administration. We know that we have been gaslit for four years. We were led to believe Puppet Biden actually had the mental capacity to run our country. The gaslighting still hasn’t stopped. We are supposed to believe he is astute enough to continue running our country.

The Democratic leadership has been doing this for years. Eventually we must wise up and stop believing their gaslighting, their lies. Anyone wondering why Puppet Biden would propose Supreme Court changes so late in a lame duck presidential term. The why is to keep us busy with distractions while Democratic leadership weaves their next little gaslighting scheme. Everything we had thrown at us in ’20 will again be thrown at us in ’24, tenfold.

The Democratic Convention is upon us. Democratic leadership has shown us that the people’s choice for Presidential Candidate is inconsequential. They have shown that they control the party and will put whomever they want in that position. Was Kamala Harris put into running specifically to free Puppet Biden campaign donations? This has been accomplished. Now the question is, will she remain? Perhaps we should ask who might replace her? Will the Puppet Biden campaign funds follow?

Whoever ends up as nominee, don’t take your eye off the ball. Everything they have done for years has been one gaslighting lie after another. One can’t believe in “Hope and Change” when it comes from Democratic leadership. Yes, VP Kamala Harris and Senator Jon Tester this is you.

The Conservative Corner is a weekly column published in the Yellowstone County News by TJ Smith. 

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