by Evelyn Pyburn
The City of Billings is in the process of developing a secondary source of water to serve the westend of the city with the development of an $84 million reservoir and treatment plant at Shiloh Road and Hesper Road. They will purchase property from Knife River Materials and from Yellowstone County, as part of that process.
Billings Public Works Director Dave Mumford met with County Commissioners and County Public Works Director Tim Miller, on Monday, to ask if the county would be interested in selling their Junk Vehicle Yard at 1200 Shiloh Road of about seven acres. There was general consensus among county officials that that would be a good idea.
Miller said that they would move their junk vehicle yard to 3321 King Ave. East which is across from the detention facility. The site is of adequate size and is a more convenient location for them, he said.
Mumford said that he would make arrangements to get an appraisal of the property, noting that the appraisal for the purchase of 160 acres from Knife River Materials, at 4014 Hesper, came in at $8200 per acre. Click here to read more