by Evelyn Pyburn
Citizens who spoke to County Commissioners, many of whom were election judges or poll watchers, itemized a number of things they were concerned about when it comes to accurate and secure elections. From the integrity of machines, to a need to purge voter rolls, to failings in the chain of custody — the 50 or so citizens who attended the public hearing on Tuesday, were adamant that they were there to make sure changes are made.
Said one resident, Ken Walker, gesturing toward the room full of people, “See all these beautiful people here? They aren’t going away.” He went on to urge the County Commissioners to “look at the data with common sense.”
The County’s newly appointed Director of Elections, Ginger Aldrich, began the discussion reporting that in checking on the accuracy of the General Election, the state selected three precincts with the toss of the dice, and hand counted the ballots. She said they were well within the margin of error allowed by law or were “right on.”
The election takes a “tremendous effort of man power,” said Aldrich, who just days before the General Election, assumed the duties of former election supervisor Bret Rutherford who resigned. She said she was “very fortunate to have been able to watch the process.” She then added that it is her goal to make sure that Yellowstone County elections are “secure and accessible.”
She said that she wants to make sure that every voter is confident that every ballot is counted and accounted for. And that the count is accurate.
She noted that because of hazardous road conditions on Election Day there was a vehicle accident with one of the people delivering ballots. She said that in the future they will make sure that law enforcement escorts ballots to their destination to assure their security.
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