Dear Editor,
I wanted to take a moment to speak on an atrocious ballot measure being pushed in Montana.
It is CI-128, also known as “protecting the reproductive rights of women”. Even the title is a total misrepresentation. Women have full reproductive rights! We have total access to healthcare for all facets of our reproductive care, complete access to all forms of birth control aids, and total control of when we choose to reproduce. There are programs for assistance for single mothers and full access to adoption services.
While this Constitutional Initiative is still in the signature gathering phase, the push to get it onto the November Ballot is strong.
If passed, it would do the following:
Enshrine abortion into the Constitution of Montana (very difficult to undo once done).
Taxpayer funded abortions.
It would pave the way for unlimited abortion throughout any stage of pregnancy, including full term.
Allow minors to have abortions without parental consent.
Open doors wide open for sex trafficking.
Those are just a few examples of the dangers for which it would set a path.
I am a strong, committed pro-lifer. I know that life begins at conception, and I value every life…from the preborn until natural death. Every life has value.
If passed in Montana, CI-128 would open many dangerous doors, and set us on a path from which we may not be able to recover. I urge you, if approached by a signature gatherer, to not put your signature on it, due to the dangerous impact it will have on Montana. If you have already signed the petition and regret it, you can have your signature removed by filling in a document found at the Montana Secretary of State’s website.
Let’s do what is right for Montana…for our women, our minors, and those who have no voice: the unborn.
Amanda Scheidler
Ballantine, MT