Cell phone dispute lands student in court

cell-phone-disputeBillings – A Shepherd High School student has been charged with assault after a scuffle over a cell phone at the high school.

James Herring, 19, will appear in Yellowstone County District Court at 9 a.m. March 20.

According to a Yellowstone County sheriff’s report, Herring attacked a teacher who tried to take his cell phone from him at school on March 5.

Shepherd schools superintendent Dan Jamieson said Herring allegedly violated a school regulation forbidding cell phone use in classrooms or during instructional time. The school handbook states that “cell phones or electronic devices may be seized from a student by any school official or school staff member” if a student violates the policy.

According to the sheriff’s report, a high school art teacher told Herring he was not allowed to use his phone and attempted to take it from him. Herring tried to take the phone back from the teacher, grabbing and squeezing her hand, then followed her to the school office, where he tried to take it off a secretary’s desk, according to the report. Herring “lunged for the phone” when the women moved it from the desk to the floor, according to the report.

Jamieson said he did not know whether Herring had violated the school’s cell phone policy at  other times. Students are allowed to use cell phones during passing times between classes and during lunch, Jamieson said.

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