
Laurel Generating Gas Station Now Serving NorthWestern Energy Customers

Although NorthWestern Energy’s Yellowstone County Generating Station is going through final performance testing, it is in full operation and serving customers. A group of media folks were given a tour last week, accompanied by several company representatives, including Josh Follman, … read more

Jon Tester, the Largest Recipient of Lobbyist Cash in America, Dings Opponent for Taking Lobbyist Cash

This story re-posted courtesy of the Washington Free Beacon originally published on June 5, 2024.  Senator Jon Tester took more money from lobbyists than any senator last year. Now, the Montana Democrat claims his Republican opponent is captive to private … read more

Signal Peak Closure Would Mean Loss of 260 Jobs

Signal Peak Coal Mine near Roundup is “in jeopardy”, President and CEO of Signal Peak, Parker Phipps, told Yellowstone County Commissioners last week. And, if it is in jeopardy, so are the jobs of its 260 workers – two thirds … read more