State of the Race: Montana U.S. Senate Election Outlook
With less than five weeks until election day, here is a quick overview of the state of the Montana U.S. Senate election mainly between Democrat Jon Tester and Republican Tim Sheehy. read more
With less than five weeks until election day, here is a quick overview of the state of the Montana U.S. Senate election mainly between Democrat Jon Tester and Republican Tim Sheehy. read more
Remembering a morning walk through Ann Morrison Park years ago…we move from under a canopy of trees into the bright sunshine. Our toddler son runs into the bright sunlight first. He stops. Looking at the ground he slowly lifts one … read more
Well, Folks, as many of you saw on the front page of our newspaper this week, we have made the choice to endorse Montana U.S. Senate Candidate Tim Sheehy over MT Senator Jon Tester. This decision was not taken lightly … read more
Given the gravity of the Montana’s U.S. Senate race this election cycle, the YCN editorial board has decided to endorse a candidate for the first time in its history. The YCN editorial board endorses Tim Sheehy for U.S. Senate over … read more
* It’s striking how quickly Republicans have moved from blaming the last four years on Joe Biden to blaming them on Kamala Harris. It’s as though they have forgotten how limited the powers of the vice president are. John Nance … read more
Did Kamala forget that as the Border Czar of the United States her actions on illegal immigration would be highly visible? This visibility, I might add, shows a job of utter failure, if not a downright dereliction of duties. Mainstream … read more
TV ads arguing that U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Montana, is too liberal because he voted against aid to white farmers raised this profound question: Huh? What does Tester have against white farmers? He is one, right? The ads, placed by … read more
On Sunday, September 22, candidate for U.S. Senate Tim Sheehy held rallies in Billings, Great Falls, and Kalispell with South Dakota’s Governor, Kristi Noem. The rally in Billings was held in an airport hanger and was attended by over 300 … read more
In May and July of this year, Senator Steve Daines proposed three pieces of legislation aimed to keep Montana mining operations alive, as well as to provide needed revenue for the Crow Tribe. Several local legislators and mayors are planning … read more
This past Monday, Vice President Kamala Harris told Wisconsin Public Radio that she supports eliminating the Senate filibuster to pass a codification of Roe v. Wade. If the filibuster were to be eliminated, the Senate would just need a simple … read more
Last month, Senator Jon Tester’s campaign launched the group “Republicans for Tester”. On September 1, Tester’s campaign put out an advertisement featuring their Republican supporters. However, many of the featured “Republicans” have solely supported Democrats and their policies, while openly … read more
In a recent advertisement from the Senate Leadership Fund, Senator Jon Tester was called out for supporting a farmer relief program that excluded white farmers and ranchers. In the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act, a measure was added to provide … read more
Last week, Sibanye-Stillwater announced to their employees that they would have to layoff around 700 employees starting on November 12. The mine, which produces palladium and platinum, cited a massive drop in the trading price of palladium, as two years … read more
Over the last month, Senator Tester’s campaign has placed full page ads in several local newspapers accusing Tim Sheehy of planning to close 49 hospitals in Montana. The ad then lists 49 medical centers, including Billings Clinic Broadwater and Beartooth … read more
Folks I want to address a supposed “newspaper” and self-described news media entity called the Montana Independent. This “newspaper” is being sent to more than 150,000 Montanans from an out-of-state organization called the American Independent that has ties to a … read more
Politics is one of those topics that one shouldn’t bring up in polite conversation. People have differing views on political parties, policies, candidates, and how things are being handled here and abroad. I do remember a time when you could … read more
You need a manager to run your new McDonald’s restaurant. You hear about a guy who’s interested in the job. He’s old, but some people think he did pretty well at the last place he managed. So, you have a … read more
As November 5th quickly approaches, the Montana U.S. Senate race has quickly become Republican candidate Tim Sheehy’s to lose. The candidate has seen a relatively positive linear trajectory in polling, as he was behind by as many as nine points … read more
As we inch closer and closer to the election in November, the stakes continue to rise. With possibly the most important statewide election in the country right here, both parties continue to throw everything they have at Montana’s U.S. Senate … read more
According to Senator Tester’s public schedule, Senator Tester held 218 meetings with lobbyists between January 2023 and August 2024. This figure also does not include meetings between Tester’s staff and lobbyists. Anti-lobbying sentiments have been a central theme of Tester’s … read more