Dear Editor,
Thanks for printing my recent letter to the Editor in the YCN, March 1, 2019, issue. However, it was a bit embarrassing to see it posted beneath “The Outdoors” column by Mr. Wolf. His pictures and words of frozen wildlife may be a reality, but I could not find the same inspiration as I did in his previous columns. So I turned the page and read “Progressive Pioneer” by Jennifer Merecki. She wrote that the state of Montana is being considered to be sold to Canada? Well, better to Canada than to other possible foreign clients?
There was the historical “Louisiana Purchase” when the United States paid France 50 million francs and a cancellation of debts worth 18 million francs for a total of 68 million francs, thereby acquiring approximately 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River in 1803.
What I don’t understand is, how can land in North America be sold or claimed by anyone as a debt when because of violated treaties with the American Indians by the United States government, the land must first honor its Native peoples?
Ann Chontos
Custer, Montana