Dear Editor:
I have had several opportunities to meet and hear the four Republican candidates running for U. S. Senate to replace Jon Tester. I had been undecided until about three weeks ago. I saw plusses in each candidate so I started looking for the flaws. Washington money, Old Guard endorsements, lack of knowledge on a variety of issues, lack of “fire-in-the-belly”…and the final question, “Who Can Beat Tester?”, there is only one candidate who did not have those flaws: Senator Al Olszewski, M.D.
Each time I hear Dr. Al, I am so impressed by his working knowledge of each issue; but more impressive, having been trained as an orthopedic surgeon, he has a step by step action plan. He is a problem solver!
Dr. Al is a champion for overhauling the national healthcare system, including within the VA system. As a 13-year Air Force vet/trauma surgeon, he understands the needs of the post-combat veteran, the failures of the VA and the opportunities to fix what is broken. As a board certified orthopedic surgeon, he has struggled with the healthcare system along with the high cost of insurance and pharmaceuticals.
He addresses the national debt, property/water rights (He is fighting for farmers and ranchers), national security, 2nd Amendment, on and on. Check out his website,
Dr. Al will be speaking at the Big Tent Dinner, May 22nd, 6 pm, at the Elks Club. Please take this opportunity to listen to him. Can he win? Of course, he needs your vote not DC money!
Pam S Purinton