Calling out the Trump-haters

Dear Editor,

I continue to be amazed at the Trump-haters and their never-ending quest for the holy arrow that they hope will finally bring him down. It has been three years of an assault on his charter, his health, his age, attacking his wife, even his 10-year-old son.

The attacks on kids used to be off base – remember Libs like Hillary screaming we could not dare say anything about Chelsea? Even going back to Pres. Carter and leaving Amy alone? How about Obama? You couldn’t even talk about his big ears let alone his girls! My how things change when socialist Progressives are desperate to gain power. We even have our own not being able to resist the temptation to even call President Trump delusional and thinking of himself as “God.” It appears Mr. Wolf has gained a degree is psychiatry and/or is just psychic… Even more strange is the climate change believers who think it’s okay to spout the words of a “scientist” who somehow believes he knows what happened on the planet 11.5 Billion years ago. What? And we are supposed to take his and their musings seriously? Man has been on the planet about 10,000 years – not even a blink in time if you believe that the planet been around for 11.5 Billion years. Carl thinks we’re burning up all the trees…even Brazil told the G7 to mind its own business – we do not need your aid – leave us alone – we are just fine – but the Socialist Libs like can’t mind their own business, they have to tell everybody “what to do, eat, think, say”. Maybe Carl should plant more trees on his walks and leave our President alone to do the job we elected him to do.

Krayton Kerns, please come back, we need you! Don’t leave us with only the random thoughts of the Socialist Progressive Liberals. We already have that in the Billings Gazoo.

Dave Malek


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