Brad, Carl, Krayton and Jennifer are all correct

Dear Editor:  

Brad, Carl, Krayton and Jennifer are all correct in their take on U.S. citizens and society. President Trump is a true representative of U.S. leadership and citizens. He is a true capitalistic businessman; he believes in “healthy competition,” disable or disqualify your opponent. Capitalism creates monopolies; global monopolies have no anti trust laws.

We have the ruling class of the rich, by the rich, for the rich. Education, health care and nutrition for the elite, or those who can afford it. The rest of us are slaves or servants to the financial institutions, banks, credit cards and insurance companies who support Wall Street.

The U.S. has been fighting for freedom and human rights in other countries for years, while we are in a divide and conquer state, losing our freedoms and rights.

May the peace of the Lord, the love of God and the forgiveness of Christ be with you.


Lauris Byxbe

Pompeys Pillar

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