BLM is now the face of murdered babies … and Billings is watching!

Dear Editor,

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is now the face of baby decapitations, rape and all atrocities upon Israel.  BLM has condemned Israel and lies about Hamas.  Amber Palmer was one of the organizers of Billings’ Black Lives Matter on June 7, 2020, for the protests in downtown Billings.  Yes, it was peaceful, yet spurious/faux… but now BLM’s message is unpretentious support for devil-possessed Hamas.  Can you imagine that?  How cruel and insensitive can BLM be, when so many Israeli babies, toddlers, kids and grandparents are being horrendously disemboweled and burned alive by Hamas?  Americans included.

Cheered on by BLM!  Don’t believe me?  Watch Fox, Newsmax or Victory News for the truthful reporting on how BLM has come out in support of these satanic Muslim murderers.  KULR, KGHL and the Billings Gazette will NOT truthfully report anything that appears as truth and ACTUAL lack of action by your Cadaver In Chief, (the Dumocrats UI).  Yes, Biden is to blame for this attack on Israel, and Black Lives Matter supports these demonic crimes by Hamas.

I won’t ask the question “What is wrong with you BLM people?” I know what is wrong with you.  You subscribe to Satan’s ideology.  You have NO redemptive spiritual concern for yourself or your family members.  Amber Palmer, you and your followers need to write to YCN and justify YOUR support for such a heinous, satanic organization you belong to.  You wanted coverage for your BLM protest in 2020, and you’re a proud BLMer, so speak up for what you believe in… or renounce it!  Your silence will affirm YOUR continued advocacy for BLM.

Israel has now shut off all utilities and food delivery to Gaza…good!  They are warned by Israel to “get out of town and go to Egypt.”  Maybe the Egyptian government will take care of them.  The Gazan civilians who are lucky enough to get to Israel, will be shown compassion and taken care of.  Much more than what Gazans have ever shown towards the Apple of God’s Eye.  Israel’s military protection of its own, of course, brings criticism to Israel, for being “cruel and lacking compassion.” 

What say you, Amber Palmer?  Is this cruel and unusual punishment for the Gazans?  Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi (founders of BLM) apparently think so, as they lie about Israel, even in the face of Hamas dismembering children, like they are no more than landfill refuse. 

If that’s not enough, Shalomyah Bowers, executive director, lined his own pockets with $10Mil of BLM membership dollars.  Garza and Tometi have also (secretly, Amber) bought a $6Mil home… wow, efficient application of your dues, Amber.  But that’s ok, as BLM members are too STUPID to see where their money is going.  They only care about festering continued hatred for America, the country that has given Palmer/BLM everything and especially freedom to burn and spit on “Old Glory,” with impunity.

This Veteran stands WITH Israel!

BLM is now the face of murdered babies…and Billings is watching!


Jose A. Bustos, jr. MSgt. USAF/USA (Ret)


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