Billings schools support relocating Daylis Stadium

The superintendent of School District 2, Greg Upham, was in attendance at this month’s Metra Park Advisory Board meeting to make a most emphatic point that he and the school district’s board of trustees are very interested in developing some kind of sports / stadium complex that can take the place of Daylis Stadium for Senior High School. 

He said that he wanted to make clear that the school district is ready to share revenues, because it is evident that taxpayers are experiencing “levy fatigue” and there is a need for “internal change,” given the growth anticipated for the high school. In 2016, the district has set aside $10 million for updating Daylis, he noted.

“Relocating Daylis will allow us to open up the career center,” said Upham, who went on to explain how the focus of education is changing, as they have hired career coaches, which will broaden the curriculum to one that is not just focused on preparing students to get a BA. 


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