Bill to Reverse Recreational Weed Tabled in Committee

by Michael J. Marino

Lawmakers tabled a bill in Senate Committee on March 30 which would eliminate recreational use of marijuana in Montana, as well as revise numerous other parts of state marijuana law.

Republican Sen. Keith Regier (Kalispell) sponsored Senate Bill (SB) 546, which he stated would basically void the passage of Initiative 190 by voters in 2020

At the March 29 session of the Senate Business & Labor Committee, Regier said, “I-190 allowed the use of recreational marijuana. It was controversial in that it established a tax and dedicated those funds – that’s a function of the legislature.” He noted other instances of “the will of the voters being reversed,” like in 2016, when voters approved a referendum creating the Crime Victims Bill of Rights, which the state courts later reversed. 

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