Big Thank You to Local Law Enforcement

Dear Editor,

With the so-called “News” obsessed with first one thing and then another until you cannot stand to watch, listen or read anything, I would like to address the law enforcement issue. In the event that one of our agents should happen to read this I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for all you do. 

We take time and special days to thank our military veterans, of whom I am one, for keeping our nation safe in world affairs, but fail terribly to honor those who make our very personal lives secure. 

I am privileged to live a comfortable, secure, and reasonably prosperous life in a wonderful community, and much of that comfort and security is due to your commitment, care and devotion to a job which is probably one of the most difficult undertaken by any. May God Bless you, protect you and again thank you ever so much.

Mack DelCamp

Worden MT

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