Between “MY” Lines:

David Crisp’s constant bias against President-elect Donald Trump was once again demonstrated in this past week’s YCN edition. My take (I could be wrong?) is that his 100% fault finding is a result of “looking out for the American people”!

Our choice? Kamala Harris who dated her way to the top ticket or Trump!

     Mr. Crisp cites a podcast written by Anne Applebaum, and I quote, “is an attack on the very idea of journalism, the notion that people might make a living by gathering facts, seeking out opposing opinions and then publishing what they have learned”. I stress the word “LEARNED”.

     Consider this: The 3 Duke Lacrosse Rugby boys, in 2006, were accused of raping a follow female student (dancer). There were 81, yes, 81 total indictments against the three players. There were five segments shown on 60 minutes; numerous protests; three rich, white privileged boys, versus a black woman added in a racial component. HOLD ON: The accuser just recently admitted of lying! She was not raped! Had Ms. Applebaum interviewed the accuser in 2006, would she have obtained an actual account? Because someone researched does not, does not mean they have discovered/disclosed “FACTS”, they only gathered someone’s else’s OPINION, which, according to Mr. Crisp, is synoymous to LEARNED.

     Bias can easily overshadow any issue. Case in point: Even with the help of instant replay, developed in order to get the call correct; depending on what team you are rooting for, you can get two different opinions of the fans. (ie: Bias!)

     Lastly, Mr. Crisp, I’d sure like to get your opinion on what you have LEARNED regarding the recent reporting of President Biden, taking a whopping 532 days, (maybe 531?) days of vacation in less than four years. Will you share your opinion on this? If this is true, or close to true, one could sure make the case that spending 40% of his Presidency (ie: Democrats and/or staff) on vacation, were not, are NOT “looking out for the American people”!! I’m waiting.


Edward O. Hoem


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