Best of Yellowstone County: Results are in!

Well folks, it’s been a busy week once again.  There’s a lot to write about this week, so I’ll keep my comments short from last weekend but then focus on the Best of Yellowstone County Awards that we are releasing this week as well as announcing my first ever Editor’s Choice Award in this edition. We also have a new monthly column coming your way each month.

First, my quick trip to Helena last weekend to participate in the old timer’s (former legislators) legislative reception was a first for me.  To think that I’m old is getting to be a common theme lately.  I enjoyed attending the reception and seeing some good friends as well as also singing in the Capital Choir on Sunday at the memorial ceremony. 

Secondly, I recommend taking a special read to Dr. David Perkin’s (Superintendent of Custer Schools) penned Superintendent’s Sandbox article written for this week’s paper.  His column is entitled, “Lessons from Mozart.”  It was music to my ears as this is an article that I’m saving to be able to submit for the MT Newspaper Contest next year (under the education category). 

On that note, I’ll announce the good news we received regarding our newspaper in next week’s meanderings so stay tuned because our newspaper continues to grow and get recognition in what is being done, not just locally, but at a state level.

Thirdly, we are announcing a new monthly column in our newspaper called Medical Minute. This week is the first of this Medical Minute column, but then it will be published in the first Friday edition of each month.  This column will feature monthly columns that are submitted to us regarding medical issues and topics from the medical field.  I’ve given the charge to our columnist to focus on health and medical topics that include the financial aspects on health and current wellness issues that might be going on locally that affect our readers. This column focusing on health and wellness of our readers in a medical aspect may expand to include others but for now, we have Billings Clinic providing topics to consider when it comes to your health and family wellness.     

Now on to this week’s big announcement in the Best of Yellowstone County Awards!  

We have 40 categories and winners that you voted on. I hope you take a look at each one to see who is the leader in each category for an industry or category.  

This is a great opportunity for each entity to up their game and take it to the next level in providing a service, product or business model that is successful and used in this area. 

Please make sure you congratulate them for becoming the Best and a leader in their industry and profession in Yellowstone County.  Next year will be different but these are the winners this year so give them all a big congrats! Until then, this is their opportunity to celebrate the recognition that is well deserved. We’ll have certificates that are notarized for them in a couple weeks (if I can get them done that fast.)  

Along with the first Best of Yellowstone County Awards, this is also my first time to choose an Editor’s Choice Award to headline the release of our results.  This year, I’ve chosen Steve Erb as the recipient of the first Editor’s Choice Award for his years of community service, dedication and strength in being a community participant. 

Steve has been a long-standing member in the Huntley Project community who has reared his kids in the area while serving in his community, on the school board and being involved in a number of organizations throughout the years. Not only is Steve known to be at the local Huntley gas station early in the mornings greeting passersby, but he’s also known for always taking care of the Huntley Park and helping to keep it clean for all those who come to enjoy it.  Steve has been serving on the Huntley Project School Board of Trustees since 2008.  He has been employed by Yellowstone Valley Electric Coop since 1986 and was on the executive board of the local IBEW #532 for 21 years. 

He is now the current President of Barkemeyer Park in Huntley.  Improvements to the park under his direction include new outdoor toilets, a garbage building, new playground, benches throughout the park, a community message sign, promotion of the annual park auction and a lighted flag pole are just a few.  

I’ve personally known Steve for many years and have seen him many times in action whether its attending school board meetings or early in the mornings picking up trash at the Park.  It’s people like Steve that make our communities great so please congratulate him in becoming the first Yellowstone County News’s Editor’s Choice Award recipient, 

Until then, see you in the paper! 


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