Dear Editor:
I do not know how many of you have read Atlas Shrugged. For those of you that have, I am sure the similarities between President Trump and Taggart are apparent. Have we come to the point that we are happy with corporatists controlling every facet of our government? Here are a few examples: housing, grocery, fuel, travel. The free market does not exist in America today; it is a pipedream.
If you doubt that, try to start a taxi company in Montana or open a new family-owned grocery store; try to open a business to cut hair without 1,500-plus hours of instruction. All of the regulations that exist protect the bigger corporations and never help the entrepreneurs and startups.
As Election Day nears I urge my fellow Montanans to look at the candidates and ask, “are they going to represent me? Or are they going for the pay days from the corporate lobbies?” This is not a partisan issue, as both sides do the same thing. I never ask a politician what laws they will make, I ask what laws will they rescind! Montana was founded by people dreaming for better lives — don’t our children deserve that reality?
Joe Paschal
White Sulphur Springs