Arrow Creek Gravel Pit Moves Forward Despite Residents’ Concerns

According to Colleen Moullett, the DEQ has granted the permit to Riverside Contracting to move forward with their plans for the Arrow Creek Gravel Pit in spite of concerns raised by landowners in the area.

In September, Moullett and other residents of the area hired attorney Jackie Papez to represent their interests regarding the gravel pit. Papez and Moullett promptly emailed the DEQ requesting to be added as interested parties and to be notified when anything changed or happened relating to the gravel pit.

By the first part of November, no one had heard anything. Papez contacted the DEQ attorney who informed her that Riverside Contracting had answered all deficiencies, and unless public comment were received by November 15th, the permit would be granted. Moullett scrambled to get the property owners in the area informed of the deadline, and 10-15 people submitted their concerns, which range from concerns about noise, dust, and traffic from semi-trucks going in and out onto Indian Creek. But the biggest concerns surround a decrease in property values and how the gravel pit will affect their water. All comments were submitted well before the November 15th deadline, and Papez and Moullett reiterated their request to be notified should there be any changes or updates.


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