Caption: Lockwood Fire Chief John Staley posing with Santa along with his crew and volunteers at Canary and Bluebird in Lockwood during one of the visits. It takes a crew of about a dozen people to prep, help, take down and then move the Santa set from location to location. (Photo by Jonathan McNiven)
Worden Christmas Stroll:
The 2014 Worden Christmas Stroll, in its 10th year, will feature downtown Worden’s businesses and community organizations on Friday, Dec. 5. The Worden Stroll is organized by the Worden Community Club.
All are welcome to participate; pick up a Christmas Stroll Passport at any participating business. Stop in at each of the destinations listed on the Passport and have the Passport signed or stamped. Completed Passports at the end will be used as prize drawing entries.
At the bottom of the passport, you can vote for your favorite decorated business. You can also vote for your favorite Christmas Hat worn by participating merchants. The winner will get a gift certificate from Millers Dark Horse Saloon for $25.
The event begins at 4 p.m. and all passports have to be turned in by 8 p.m. Prize drawings will begin at 8:15 p.m. at the VFW Hall.
Vendors will be set up inside the VFW with crafts and handmade goods, plus there will be a table for the Christmas Bright basket raffle.
Santa Claus is scheduled to make a visit for the children from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the VFW Hall. He’ll let the reindeer have a rest and, instead, ride in on a Worden fire truck.
Huntley Christmas Stroll:
HUNTLEY – Gather up the kids, friends and neighbors and soak up some Christmas spirit at the 15th annual Huntley Christmas Stroll on Saturday, Dec. 13, from 1 to 5 p.m.
Strollers can pick up a Christmas Stroll Passport at any participating businesses (see official Passport on this page for list). Then they’ll visit each of the merchants to have their Passports validated and sample their treats. The Passports then become an entry to the prize drawings, to be held at 6 p.m. at R & R Trading.
Dennis McNiven, with Western Romance Company will be giving mule-drawn wagon rides during the event, weather permitting of course.
Santa Coming to Lockwood:
For those who are naughty or nice, the Lockwood Fire Department will help Santa make stops in the Lockwood area at 8 different locations. From toys to food to books and dolls, Santa will be visiting with Lockwood residents on Saturday Dec. 13th during the day.
Coloring Contest
Yellowstone County News’ annual Christmas Coloring Contest winners will be displayed at the Huntley Fire Station during the Stroll. Coloring contest winners can pick up their prizes at R&R Trading on the day of the stroll. Don’t forget to have your child color the pages and turn them in to win!
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Santa will make a visit riding on a fire engine at the Huntley Fire Station at 3 p.m. Children are welcome to explain their wish list to Santa and receive a goody bag, courtesy of the Worden Fire Department, and a candy bar courtesy of Pryor Creek Golf Course.
Prize Drawings
All prizes will be drawn after 5 p.m. at Yellowstone County News at the end of the Stroll, but you need not be present to win. Prizewinners will be contacted, but the prizes will not be mailed—they must be picked up at Yellowstone County News’ Office at 117 Northern Ave., Suite B by Jan. 1, 2015.
Prizes for this year’s Huntley Stroll include interesting selections of gifts from Huntley merchants, the Worden Fire Department, Yellowstone Valley Electric Co-op (who chipped in a new Kuerig coffee maker), YCN, along with R&R Hardware and Trading. (If you’re a merchant and also wish to donate, please contact the Yellowstone County News.) Watch for a full listing of prizes in next week’s paper.
Additionally, all merchants and the Huntley Water Board are participating in Huntley Bucks. Those who turn in a completed passport are eligible for prizes and Huntley Bucks. The Bucks can be spent at any participating merchant.
Drop off completed passports at Yellowstone County News by 5 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 13. See you at the Christmas Stroll!