Dear Editor,
As one of the conservative voices on City Council, I am asking you to approve the 2020 Public Safety Mill Levy in the upcoming ballot election ending on Sept. 15th.
Public Safety, e.g. Police, Fire and 911 Call Center, is one of the most important function of government which is tasked to be supported by voters. During this time of “defunding” the police, we, as citizens of Billings, have an opportunity to fund and support not only our law enforcement officers but also our first responders.
This opportunity involves converting the 2004 Public Safety Mill Levy (60 mills), which was capped at $8.2 million, into a levy that will cap at 60 mills which today would yield approximately $12.3 million. The mills are based upon taxable value of each home. Billings has grown slowly, yet crime and services have greatly increased; however, funding for those services has not. The median house price in Billings is $211,000, so this increase in funding would be an additional $4.75/month for public safety.
A YES vote will help fund our current level of expenditures in police, fire and the 911 Call Center by bringing in an additional $4.1 million this year and increasing as the City grows.
I ask you to support this Public Safety Mill Levy conversion to keep the city on solid footing for the future. These are services for which we need and depend. Please visit for additional information or contact your ward council member.
Pam Purington
Billings, MT