Amused by Carl “not-a Democrat” Wolf’s musings

Dear Editor:

I have become amused by Carl “not-a Democrat” Wolf’s musings… example: he supports gun laws expansion while being a gunsmith; or, not-a-Democrat (NAD) but only smears Republicans.

Only a couple weeks ago, Carl (NAD) was chastising everyone (GOP) for not being civil and basically destroying civility, morals and discourse in the public arena, although the only party engaging in name calling and destroying civility is and always has been the Democrat party.

Frankly, it’s getting really old as the DNC party is the only one supporting such groups as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Code Pink, just to mention a few….

However, I have to take exception to Carl’s (NAD) response 8/21 referring to the recent letters to the editor where we took exception to his comments (8/7) about how Trump’s smearing American values, disrespecting McCain and Trump didn’t care about shooting schools, etc. My point was to illustrate Carl only hates Trump or Republicans as the source of moral decay and social unrest in America.  In fact, 8/21, he said we Trump supporters are “clueless.”

Carl’s response also included saying us rascally Republicans don’t care about blacks and Puerto Ricans, implying we are racists for not supporting Obama’s socialist, anti-constitutional agenda because he’s black!

I am now deeply offended by such uninformed, superficial slurs and name calling. This only serves to prove my point that it is, in fact, the Democrat Party is the only party stooping to name calling; we have been called terrorists; Nazis, racists, women haters wanting to kill granny and children, just to mention a few.  This kind of reckless and dangerous rhetoric is having severe consequences.

Most recently, we have seen a Democrat who shot a dozen Republican/GOP at a baseball field in DC last year, and most recently, a stabbing attempt of a GOP candidate Rudy Peters in Castro Valley, CA.  I look forward to Carl’s change in rhetoric, chocking it up to being too close a proximity to his gun cleaning fumes or too much time spent in the sun observing nature.

Dave Malek


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