Dear Editor,
I wish to thank Karen Lazetich Moses for her letter to the editor. I have been mostly unsuccessful in getting info on the two candidates from my district running for School Board. But after Moses endorsed one of the candidates, I knew for sure I needed to vote for that candidate’s opponent, Jennifer Hoffman.
Moses made it obvious she has either never read the Montana Constitution, or if she has read it, she has no comprehension of what it says. Moses applauds the Montana Supreme Court for legislating from the bench. Not only does our constitution not even suggest that the legislature can control the weather, but it also does NOT give the Supreme Court the authority to make legislation. The Montana Supreme Court has instructed the legislature to control the weather. Have you ever heard of anything so silly? If the Supreme Court members want to be legislators, then they need to resign from the court and run for the legislature.
Moses then went on to unjustly attack many of our elected officials – indicating how little she understands what their duties and obligations are. She ends her letter by giving us a number of poor reasons to vote for the “Safety” mill levy. (Moses writes about a levie – not sure what that is.)
Folks beware. This “Safety” mill levy really has almost nothing to do with safety in our schools. The few safety things they mention can be purchased at less than ½ the dollars they are requesting. This is a ploy to hire 10 or 15 new employees – to do what is not made clear. It might add a camera or two at some school house doors but how that will help is not explained. AND – this is NOT YOUR USUAL MILL LEVY that eventually disappears. This is a FOREVER mill levy – with no parameters. Initially a small portion might be used for safety, but a year from now District 2 can use the money for any other boondoggle they come up with. This mill levy proposal needs some planning and analysis. I recommend voting against it and instructing District 2 to put some thought into this and stream line it to something that will actually be beneficial. It appears to me the money is available in the current budget!
Clinton Kegel