Actions speak louder than words

Dear Editor:

A few weeks ago I saw a political ad put on by Jon Testor which featured a number of veterans who support him for reelection. As someone who flew in combat in Vietnam, I understand that some veterans really believe Testor has been responsible for improving the V.A. In out of a hundred thousand veterans in this state, I believe that was  probably all the ones he could find to support him. Then I wondered if these people really knew how he stands in supporting or I would say not supporting the second amendment, would even these handful of people support him.

Two of the most anti second amendment justices on the Supreme Court are Kegan and Sotomayor , of course Testor had no problem voting to confirm these justices.When Gorsuch was up for confirmation Testor had no problem voting against him for confirmation. It is pretty apparent that Gorsuch is a strong supporter of the second amendment . As children many of us were told that actions speak louder than words. By his actions Jon Testor has made it clear how he really stands on our second amendment rights.

Dr. W. David Herbert ESQ


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