Abortion, sterilization progression

Dear Editor,

There’s a pattern of progression in today’s abortion industry, the legacy of Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood) and Margaret’s friend Dr. Ernst Rudin.

The similarities are clear. Sanger and Rudin were ardent supporters of racial purification measures and believed strongly in the superiority of the Aryan race. Dr. Rudin began with forced sterilization on “undesirables” in Germany, receiving many awards for his experiments and for being involved in the “Final Solution.” While Sanger was working in New York, Dr. Rudin founded the German racial hygiene movement and was a major promoter of Germany’s 1933 eugenic sterilization law. Sanger referred to her work as “hygiene for women” and invited Dr. Rudin to write an article for her April 1933 edition of “Birth Control Review” that focused on eugenics. Both of them believed strongly in the future of a “Master Race.” Since Dr. Rudin didn’t need to hide behind “women’s health,” he progressed in a few short years from forced sterilization to experimenting on the brains of living children causing many of them to die. The abortion industry in America has progressed from the first trimester to “partial birth” where the baby is cut open as he/she is partially born and the brain removed.

Senate Democrats recently defeated the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act that provided basic medical care for babies that survived abortions, legalizing infanticide. American taxpayers can now surmise that as the “little gods” of abortion continue to clamor for more freedom and more money to do what they want in their facilities, the pattern of progression will continue. The pattern is this: In 1942 Dr. Rudin said that it was important to distinguish “which children could, already as children, be clearly categorized as valueless and worthy of elimination.”

Andrea Todd

Billings, MT

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