Dear Editor:
This is for the pro-life and pro-choice people. Abortion has been around since males found females. Roe vs. Wade just legalized abortion so medically trained people could perform them. The law does not say it is a right, moral or ethical, that is between the doctor, patient and the creator.
The real issue is, why is there a need for abortion? Our media over the last hundreds of years has made sex a form of entertainment, recreation, a selling point as in advertising, pleasure and/or gratification for either party. Males making conquests, one night stands, cheating spouses and acts of violence for power.
I would use the term Men or Women, but that would indicate some level of maturity, responsibility, respect and compassion.
Males and females need to take responsibility for their actions, along with our politicians making sure children have homes, nutritious food, education and medical attention.
Makes me wonder if the pro-life and pro-choice debate is just propaganda to increase the hate and discontent of our nation; get the people fighting among themselves so they won’t know what is really happening.
Lauris Byxbe
Pompeys Pillar.