Dear Editor,
Natalie Crane’s letter was interesting to say the least. I assume she is referring to the bison refuge in eastern Montana. She talks about visitor spending or tourism as a godsend to the state; my question in ten years is where is she going to get cream and sugar for her latte or anyone to serve it?
Bison have a genetic need to wander, they will move or relocate at will, nothing much will hold them. Being in competition with the farmer and rancher it won’t take long for grain crops to fail along with grazing and beets. Through production, harvesting and processing of beets and barley alone brings billions of dollars and jobs to the state. What and where are these tourists going to eat? What happens when the bison go to Canada or the Dakotas? “Home on the range where the Buffalo roam” is not just a song lyric.
Lauris Byxbe
Pompey’s Pillar