A carnage, and CI-128 greatly increases that carnage. Vote NO.

Dear Editor,

Thanks to the tens of millions of pro-abortion dollars being dumped into the CI-128 campaign, Montanans are being cleverly – and tragically – deceived on what this radical proposal is all about. This measure is NOT about women’s health and it is NOT about freedom. It is simply about increasing the number of abortions in our state – the number of little children we will never come to know.

CI-128 is part of a cynical, powerful national movement that is targeting Montana. Their goal is simple: having fewer babies being born, by ending their little lives while still in the womb. The pro-abort strategy is always the same: gaslight us into thinking that killing and extracting an unborn human is the same as removing tonsils, an appendix or some other troublesome body part. People hear the lie long enough that they begin to believe it. But a fetus is not a “body part.” It is a new body. A new person. Genetically 100% complete and uniquely different from their mother.

This is the inconvenient truth the Democrats and the radical Left do want you to think about. Killing preborn babies is the very essence of abortion. If we agree the killing innocent life is morally wrong, then we must agree the abortion is morally wrong. A good and just society demands that we look abortion straight in the eye and call it what it is: a death sentence to new life. A carnage, and CI-128 greatly increases that carnage. Vote NO.

Roger Koopman

Bozeman, MT

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