A Call for Return Sanity for Heights Water

Dear Editor,

I am writing to vote for a return to common sense on the Billings Heights Water Board.

I urge all Heights citizens served by Heights Water to vote for Frank Ewalt and Doug Kary who are running for the Heights water board in order to return sanity to that board.  Frank and Doug are both long-time Heights residents who have served us well in many other community capacities.

I am outraged that the Water Board is now spending over $88,000 to improve their image.   We, the rate-payers, will have to pay for this frivolous marketing plan.  They could have improved their image by not having such disunity, questionably funded lawsuits and by following the state and local laws and regulations governing district water boards.  The squabbling just continues to go on and on.  Enough is enough!  Vote for Frank Ewalt and Doug Kary on May 2, 2023!

Willeen Erpenbach,

Billings Heights

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