The special edition of the Yellowstone County News Candidate Questionnaire has gone to press this week 9/30/16. However, one candidate’s answers were printed in place of another candidates.
Yellowstone County News inadvertently printed Democrat Sue Olson’s responses in place of Republican Sue Vinton’s responses.
We are terribly sorry for the misprint of that magnitude in our paper. We will be reprinting her responses in the paper next week with the correction.
In the meantime, we have printed the correct responses for the House District 56 race here as well as the online websites of, and as voters in that district live within Huntley, Lockwood, and Briarwood areas.
We apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. Below are the correct responses for the Candidates in House District 56. Read all about the other candidate’s responses in this week’s print edition of the Yellowstone County News.
These were the questions:
It is said that EACH coal train that leaves Montana generates about $30,000 revenue to the state of Montana. With the expected closure of Colstrip Power Plant unit’s 1 & 2 and with the decrease of coal production, jobs and wages; how do you intend to help balance the Montana budget (during the upcoming Legislative Session) without making the taxpayers pick up the tab?
The Billings Bypass Interchange, which will connect the Billings Heights to Lockwood from Mary’s Street to Coulson Road at Johnson Lane, has been talked about for about 30 years. The final EIS (Environmental Impact Study) has been approved by the Federal Government but complete funding has not yet been secured. Stephen Streeter, District Administrator of the MDOT in Billings, has said in the past that this project could be completed as early as 2020. Even though this is a federal project going through the MDOT, Will you vote to support this project as an elected official even voting to allocate funds to the project’s completion and if not, why?
A credible polling firm conducted a phone survey in March of 2016 which interviewed 400 random Yellowstone County residents and found that 60% was in favor of Lockwood School District expanding into a K-12 instead of K-8. With the overcrowding of students at the 3 Billings’ High Schools and Lockwood students now having to go to Skyview instead of Senior and West after many years (due to the redistricting process of Billings School District 2); do you believe Lockwood students and residents should expand their K-8 school district into a K-12 or encourage Billings School District 2 to build a new high school in Lockwood? What two proposals would you recommend to make it happen?
As Hillary Clinton is the Democrat’s nominated candidate and Donald Trump is the Republican’s nominee, will you endorse your party’s Presidential Candidate and why?
Bill Kennedy, who recently retired from the Yellowstone County Commissioner’s office, was always seen in public either listening, participating or engaging in the local events/community meetings and/or local community gatherings. How can our readers expect to see you out in the public as an elected official during your elected term and not just show up again next election season?
How are you different from your opponent in this general election?
Sue Vinton-(R)-House District 56 correct responses
- First, our state leaders, including our Governor, must stand up to environmental extremists and out-of-state organizations that seek to control the development and use of natural resources in Montana. Second, our state government must do what most families are all too familiar with – we must tighten our belts and cut wasteful spending. We also must prioritize spending and put people in charge of our state revenue that will work to keep costs down and eliminate unnecessary or duplicative spending. Finally, we must encourage the growth of new businesses and remove over-reaching regulations that impede the success of businesses in Montana. The growth of existing and new businesses, and the responsible use of the abundant natural resources in Montana will add much-needed revenue to our state budget without further burdening our taxpayers.
- I support the Billings Bypass Interchange as I believe that its’ completion will result in business growth and opportunities for good jobs for our residents. Regarding the allocation of funds to this project, I will not commit to any legislation or allocation of funds without first reading and understanding the implication of any proposal. I believe that decisions I will make on behalf of the voters of HD56 can only be made after thoroughly researching what is financially prudent, and in the best interests of our community and our state.
- Current Montana law prohibits the formation of any new High School district. I believe that the taxpayers of Lockwood should have the ability to decide whether to expand to a High School district. While I personally believe that a High School located within the community of Lockwood would benefit many children and families, it is our taxpayers who should ultimately make that decision. The idea of Billings School District 2 building a new high school in Lockwood is an interesting one, and should be the subject of much thoughtful and respectful discussion between school leaders and interested community members of both Billings and Lockwood. The possibility of open enrollment between the two districts should also be a part of any discussion of a new High School District in Lockwood. Finally and most importantly, I believe that the best interests of students must be at the forefront of all discussions and decisions.
- I share the dismay of many voters that I visit with regarding the choices that we have in the upcoming national election. It is extremely disappointing to listen to the rhetoric, exaggerations and outright lies being spewed by both sides. Our country needs a strong leader who is unafraid to make hard decisions and who is not a part of the “status quo”. Finally, we need a leader who will bring our country together; to end the hatred that has spilled out onto the streets of many parts of our country; and who will strengthen our economy and our national security. My party’s nominee is Donald Trump – is he the person that can get us back on track? I hope so!
- An elected official’s responsibility is to represent their constituents. This is only possible by spending time in our communities and visiting about what matters most to our voters. During this campaign I have spent many hours attending local events and community meetings to learn about the issues that are important to voters. I will continue to meet with community members, whether at organized events or by simply visiting with folks at Little League games, school functions, senior citizen luncheons or on their front porches! I enjoy learning about issues that are important to a wide variety of people and will continue to communicate with voters throughout the upcoming legislative session and beyond. While the Legislature is in session I will be available by phone or e-mail every day and will respond to any questions or concerns by my constituents. I plan to use social media and reports to this newspaper to inform residents of the issues that are being discussed in Helena. It is only by reaching out to residents of House District 56 that I can be the voice of the people I represent, and I take this responsibility very seriously.
- I have never met my opponent, nor do I have any knowledge of where he stands on issues. My husband and I have lived, worked and raised our family in House District 56. I have been very active in our community through my service on the Lockwood School Board, the Lockwood Business Group, the Lockwood Steering Committee and a number of service organizations such as the Downtown Exchange Club, Eagle Mount, Special Olympics and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. As a business owner I know the challenges that excessive government regulations place upon businesses, especially small businesses. I am concerned about the future of our children and grandchildren and will work to ensure that economic and personal success is available to all of our citizens. I will be accountable to voters and will always respond to questions and concerns by the constituents of HD56. I will vote on Legislation only after evaluating the facts and basing my vote on the needs of my constituents balanced with the ethical and fiscal implications of the proposed legislation. I believe that I am the best choice to represent the citizens of House District 56.
Daryl Templet-(D)-House District 56 responses
- The process of balancing the budget is a dificult one. I would try and utilize other resources beides coal for energy. I would investigate the use of solar power for helping with heating and electrical and highways of lockwood. I would increse the job market for this type of energy.
- Yes, I would vote for this proposal because it would develop the streets and highways of lockwood and alleviate congested traffic.
- I dont believe we need a high school initially. I would take a look at the enrollment over the next two years and see if the crowding becomes excessive. Then I would put the issue of building a new high school to the voters to see if they would approve it.
- I would approve of Hillary Clinton as our president. She would try and reduce taxes and excessive government spending. She would continue with obamacare which seems to be working.
- I would participate in City Council meetings so I’m knowledgale about local issues. I would try and set up meetings with lockwood citizens to understand issues that affect the community.
- I don’t know anything about my opponent other than she’s a Republican.